Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I find reviews of Tenet Trade Group?
You can find REAL authentic feedback by our members on our Feedback page.
Do you have scanners?
Absolutely! We share live screens of our scanners all day. We have a momentum scanner, low float scanner, live option flow, unusual options, breaking news, audio alerts, and more!
What is the difference in the plans?
You receive all of the benefits of Tenet with each of our plans; however, the Annual Plan is the only membership that will permit you access to our library of educational webinars.
How do I contact support?
For trader and client support, reach out to us here:
For billing/subscription inquiries, please email us at
We typically respond within 24 hours.
How do I cancel my membership?
Please email us here:
Are the community mods on voice all day?
Tenet Mods are active on voice for the first couple of hours of the trading day and provide guidance all day as needed on voice and our dedicated feeds.
Do you have options trading?
Yes! We provide guidance for options trading.
Does the community trade small caps?
Of course! We have a dedicated area for our members and experts who trade smalls caps and low floats.
Is this an alert service?
We are not an alert service. We pride ourselves on teaching members how to execute trades for themselves. However, we do provide daily guidance and walk through trades together.